But Dr. Chris, didn’t you literally just move six months ago?
This is your fault.
I moved into my current space in South Boulder with Abby Brossman because I thought I could get away with only having two days of availability for my patients.
It was an important baby step, but honestly – I was selling myself short.
I’ve been consistently underestimating how much people need and appreciate what I do, and I can only express gratitude for your constant reminders.
So I’m proud to announce Octavian Natural Health’s new long-term home:
2995 Baseline Road, Suite 204
Boulder CO 80303
Just off of Baseline and 30th, catty-corner from Will Vill.
We'll be closed the first week of April, with plans to open for appointments starting April 8th.
The first few weeks may be a little bumpy (ever moved your house before? yeah, that’s what I thought) but with a little time and love, I’m looking forward to having an office space that I can truly call my own.
Additionally, I may be an introvert, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge that humans are social creatures with a great capacity for group healing.
Classes? Workshops? Tea parties??
No promises yet, but the sky’s the limit.
And yes, I’m going to start offering more availability than just Mondays and Tuesdays.
Stay tuned,
Dr. Chris